Wednesday, November 28, 2007

National Geographic

Quick post today...we went to a local market with our French friends today. Chaotic place. Our friends were looking for wooden bowls to use as sinks. Our guide knew a family that could make them.

We drove up to their compound and they began to discuss. This is where I experienced National Geogrphic first hand. There were many kids running around and a couple women doing chores. Next thing I know - whamo - boob just flopping around in the open. Sorry Jenkins, I didn't get a picture for you - felt a little awkward since they knew I wasn't with NG! But Kim was doing some scouting children to bring home for my mother!



Anonymous said...

I love this!

Anonymous said...

hillarious! i didn't know where you were going with that and I just feel like I was smacking the face with one.

Anonymous said...

hillarious! i didn't know where you were going with that and I just feel like I was smacking the face with one.