Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Airport

The Airport

We are now checked in; we said goodbye to our one and only piece of checked it is in fate's hands - or Air Canada baggage handlers.  I prefer fate over the baggage handler but there is only so much I can do...

We attempted the upgrade but no luck with our Aeroplan tickets, but we are kicking back in the Maple Leaf Lounge currently.



Anonymous said...

I have faith that your one checked piece will make it!!! Have a great trip you two! Post lots of photos! Oh and remember to bring home a cute, dark baby for mom. (and maybe one for me)


Anonymous said...

sorry i missed you. sent a message to all 5 of Grant's email addresses i have but you probably won't get it. we were at the kennels - i miss my defective dog/cat.

who needs luggage? - all you is american express don't you? isn't that what they say on tv - so doesn't that mean it is true?

tc,have fun, drink lots, be safe, come home!

Anonymous said...

I want to hear from Kim.