Friday, October 19, 2007

Immunization, Part Deux

Since West Africa is predominantly French speaking, I will be throwing in bits in my dazzling French...lookout!!

If you go back to the May 17, 2005 entry from MacAfrica 1, you will find a funny story about Kim and needles. On Monday this week, we went to the clinic to get the low down on our requirements for MacAfrica 2. Kim had been doing some research to discover the likelihood that we would even require a shot. The only one we might need was for meningitis. To keep Kim calm on the ride up to the clinic I told her that I thought we probably wouldn't need any shot...known that we likely would - if you read about my previous experience with the woman and needles, you'd lie to!

A doctor friend of ours also said that drinking a V8 juice just before you go to get your shots will help you reduce your chances of fainting - also keep your quad muscles flexed. I don't think Kim has a problem keeping ALL her muscles flexed when she is going to get a shot. With my lying and the V8 juice in her system, Kim is at least looking calm.

When we get closer to the clinic she begins to get a bit tense. I have a feeling that if I had to stop at a red light or stop sign, she would definitely consider bolting - so I just keep cruising. We get to the clinic, with Kim in tow. Get settled into our chairs to wait for the doctor. I go to the washroom - leaving Kim unattended for a few minutes - knowing that I might come back to an empty chair. But Kim is there when I return...phew.

We go into see the doctor, she reviews our previous shots and everything is looking good. I can see Kim thinks she is just about in the clear. Then the dreaded map comes out. The meningitis countries map. It includes Senegal, Mali and Ghana - we need the shot. Kim goes white - I am thinking she might faint before we even see the needle this time. All is okay.

Next we sit in the "shot room". Kim assumes her position in the big lazy boy chair, we prop her feet up. The nurse comes in and within 15 seconds has the needle set up, in Kim's arm and ready to shot me - wow - she is good. Kim doesn't even have a chance to know it was coming. There was a bit of tenseness, but no fainting. What a trooper Kim is, but not nearly as entertaining as before. Sorry.

One more thing off the travel checklist...

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