Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Wow, Kim kept telling me she didn't like needles, but I thought it was just a BIT of fear...not absolute, complete, I'll do anything not to get stabbed with a needle - fear. On the way to the travel clinic I had to keep the doors locked, for the flight risk was high. I could tell Kim was a bit nervous, but didn't really grasp the depth of the apprehension until we got in to the clinic. There was a bit of nervous laughter in the waiting room, followed by a few laughing tears. As we sit down with the doctor to start reviewing what we need, we start with Kim. I was on standby in case Kim passed out, just from the discussion of needles. Once Kim realized she was going to have 4 needles, I was concerned she might leap out of the chair and make a break for it...seriously. There was no break for the door, no tears in front of the doctor, just a brave face - a pale brave face, but brave none the less.

Kim was going to get her needles first. The nurse asks Kim to sit in the regular chair and Kim pipes up - "I don't think the chair would be the best option." Nurse - "Okay, we'll get you to lay down." Kim - "That is best, as I am going to pass out." Nurse - "Lets put you in the recliner then - that way you can't roll off anything."

Kim, now seated in the recliner, is ready for the first needle...until it is visible. As soon as it comes near her, her upper body becomes completely tense. As the nurse goes to inject the first needle, it bounces off her arm. The nurse and I try to get Kim's mind off the needles, we are asking her about the safari. The nurse asks what are you going to see on the safari. The answer that Kim gives is - animals. Yep, that's all we get - animals. Thanks for the blinding glimpse of the obvious Kim. At the completion of the fourth needle...everyone was okay...I did have to double check to make sure the hand that Kim was holding was still attached to my arm. Even Kim was still awake and none the worse for wear...or so I thought. As I asked her how she was doing, she is about to say ok and between o and k she passed out...cold.

Never having seen a person pass out, I was a bit concerned, but was half expecting this. The nurse was very calm, so I thought no problem. After about 10 seconds, Kim swings her head to the otherside and then wakes up - but not like waking up from sleep. She experiences a bit of a "seizure" as she comes to. This is a bit freaky - the look on my face was priceless - the nurse enjoyed the general gong show that was taking place in her office! As Kim was rejoining us, her face went full red...then white...then her nose and mouth turned a really nice shade of green. The look on her face was one of absolute confusion and panic. After about 30 seconds things settled down and Kim was left to recover. She stood up after about 30 minutes and then I figured out what this was really all about. I got stuck paying for our complete set of shots...she had been watching my Scottish tendacy's and has mastered them!

We are supposed to get a booster shot in 6 months, I am going to surprise Kim with this visit...I can't take another episode like this!


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Planning done...now what

All of the details have been finalized...but still 11 weeks till the trip is underway. The part of the planning process that Kim is looking forward to most is coming up - immunization. This is the girl that gets wousy feeling just talking about a paper cut!
Knowing what the adventure is going to be, we can start shopping for the appropriate adventure clothing. Who knew you had to get special hats, pants, socks, bags, shirts, water purifiers and headlamps just for holidays.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Beginning

The Kim and Grant Africa Adventure 2005 germinated in March 2004 while traveling in Mexico. Kim was certainly not interested in leaving sunny Mexico and returning to snow and cold in Calgary. So the only way to get her on the plane home was to start planning the next adventure...Africa.

It began to gain steam as we talked with others who have been to Africa, with the finalization of the plan in the Fall of 2004. Tanzania was the destination...climb Kilimanjaro, safari and relax on Zanzibar where the targets. Then we added a few days in Cape Town, South Africa to satisfy Kim's need for wine!

Starting July 30, 2005, this blog will be updated as available once the Africa Adventure begins (hopefully we'll have lots of entertaining happenings for you)
